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Center for Continuing Education of Osteopathy & Manual Therapy
Our new telephone number is 1 438 865 6355
Visceral Osteopathy & Visceral Manual Therapy Series
click here to see our online course options

VO1: Treating Upper GI Dysfunctions with Visceral Osteopathy (8 hrs)
VO2: Treating Liver and Gall Bladder Dysfunctions
with Visceral Osteopathy
(8 hrs)
VO2: Treating Liver and Gall Bladder Dysfunctions
with Visceral Osteopathy
(8 hrs)
VO3: Treating Lower Gastro-Intestinal Dysfunctions with Visceral Osteopathy
(8 hrs
VO3: Treating Lower Gastro-Intestinal Dysfunctions with Visceral Osteopathy
(8 hrs
* constipation*
*Ileo-cecal valve dysfunction*
*bloating and spam
*gall bladder spasms*
* sluggish liver*
*ascending & transverse colon congestion*
* Acid Reflux*
*Hiatal hernias*
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